Deep Cleaning vs. Regular Cleaning- Should Dentists Refuse to Clean My Teeth?

Deep Cleaning vs. Regular Cleaning- Should Dentists Refuse to Clean My Teeth?

October 1, 2022

Dental hygiene is crucial for great oral and overall health. Therefore, dental experts recommend practicing proper oral hygiene habits. One is visiting the dentist for professional teeth cleaning at least twice yearly. However, the dentist may refuse to clean your teeth in certain situations. Read on to learn when the dentist in Brantford, ON may offer an alternative treatment.

When Can the Dentist Refuse to Clean Your Teeth?

It may be quite a shock when you schedule a dental cleaning, but the dentist declines to clean your teeth. After all, that is the last thing you would expect from a dentist. However, they usually refuse to provide treatment to safeguard oral health. Furthermore, their ethical and professional standards may prevent them from providing the service.

For example, a dentist cannot clean your teeth when you have untreated periodontal disease. This disease is caused by the buildup of plaque and bacteria in the teeth and gums. They are released into the bloodstream when the dentist performs a regular cleaning. As a result, the infection spreads to the rest of your body resulting in other health issues.

Instead of a dental cleaning treatment, the dental expert will recommend a deep cleaning. This alternative treatment focuses on eliminating the bacteria from your gums and tooth roots. Therefore, it helps reverse gum disease or reduce its damage to your oral tissues.

So, do not be angry when the dentist says they cannot provide your usual dental cleaning. Instead, listen to their recommendations and seek a second opinion if you are dissatisfied. Then, read on to compare deep and regular cleaning to understand the dentist’s concerns.

Regular Cleaning vs. Deep Cleaning

Regular dental cleanings are preventive procedures carried out at the dental office. They are done at least two times annually and focus on keeping the mouth healthy. The procedure involves cleaning and polishing teeth. Although the dentist will eliminate plaque and tartar on gums, they focus only on the gum line.

During a dental cleaning, the dentist provides a fluoride treatment to help fight against caries. If you are at increased risk of cavities, they will also apply dental sealants for further protection. The entire process is straightforward and is performed in less than an hour. You will not require the administration of anesthetics because there is discomfort.

Deep cleanings are therapeutic procedures used to address teeth gum disease. When you have gum infections, plaque and tartar accumulate along the gum line. They may settle deep under the gums and on the tooth roots. As a result, you will have areas of the gums with pockets of infection-causing bacteria.

Deep dental cleaning focuses on removing all the tartar and plaque in the mouth. The dentist will carry out an exam to determine the extent of the disease. They use special technology and instrumentation to reach all the oral areas. The dentist in Brantford will then perform a scaling procedure to clear all plaque and tartar.

If the infection has affected the tooth roots, they will clean them and eliminate the gum pockets. They will then perform root planing to smooth rough spots where bacteria hide. It allows the gums to attach to the teeth properly.

The procedures are performed after comprehensive dental exams. The dentist administers anesthesia and sedative to ensure you are comfortable during the process. The duration of your treatment depends on the severity of the gum disease. If it is severe, the dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment for further treatment.

How to Tell If You Need a Deep Dental Cleaning

Only a dentist can know with certainty that you need a deep dental cleaning after a checkup. However, a few signs can help you know that you need the treatment. They are:

  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
  • Bad breath that persists even after brushing
  • Teeth that chip or break without dental trauma
  • Swelling or puffiness along the gum line
  • Pus between the gums and teeth
  • Bright red, purplish, or dusky red gums

We provide the most appropriate dental care for our patients at AVA Dentistry. Our team performs comprehensive diagnoses using modern facilities. As a result, we ensure you receive suitable treatment for your oral health issues. Contact us for all your dental health care needs, including teeth cleanings.

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