How to Handle Common Problems After Tooth Extraction?

How to Handle Common Problems After Tooth Extraction?

August 1, 2023

Tooth extractions involve removing one or more problematic, decayed, fractured, impacted, or partially erupted teeth. Dentists will not automatically recommend a tooth extraction when you visit a Nearby dental clinic. Usually, it is the last resort for treatment after considering other options like root canal treatment and dental fillings. Some of the factors that make dentists recommend tooth extractions are:

  1. Severe tooth pain – a toothache that disrupts normal functioning can affect the quality of life unless you remove the problematic tooth.
  2. Deep fractures – a deep crack or Breakage can interfere with the nerve endings inside a tooth, necessitating an extraction. Besides, some fractures compromise a tooth’s structural integrity, so salvaging is no longer an option.
  3. Severe tooth decay – that cannot be remedied with dental fillings or root canal therapy.
  4. Heightened risk of infection – tooth extraction may be necessary when a dentist identifies a tooth at a high risk of infection or one that increases the risk of infecting adjacent teeth and surrounding tissues.
  5. Impacted teeth – improper tooth eruption can result in impacted teeth so that a tooth is partially or wholly stuck underneath the gums. Such a tooth is at a high risk of infection, and it causes gum-related complications like recession, bone loss, and painful gums. Many dentists recommend removing impacted teeth to optimize oral functionality.

​Should You Use Mouthwash Just After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

It is generally not a good idea to use mouthwash immediately after wisdom teeth removal, mainly if it contains alcohol. You Mouthwashes that contain alcohol can irritate the extraction site and cause dryness that exacerbates pain. Therefore, using mouthwash immediately after surgery may delay healing and increase discomfort.

​Should You Feel Uncomfortable After Removing Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

It is normal to experience some discomfort after wisdom tooth extraction since it is a surgical procedure. Usually, the discomfort manifests as soon as the sedatives and anesthesia numbing effect wear off. The level of discomfort varies depending on various factors, such as:

  • The complexity of the extraction surgery
  • The initial position and status of the tooth – a wholly impacted wisdom tooth requires a more invasive treatment than in other cases.
  • Your pain tolerance

Fortunately, dentists provide medication you can take soon after your treatment to manage pain levels and increase comfort during recovery.

Common Discomforts to Anticipate After Tooth Extraction

Side effects and discomfort do not just affect patients of wisdom tooth extraction. Instead, after any tooth removal procedure, you will experience some symptoms that last a few days post-treatment. They include:

  • Some pain and swelling in the extraction site – last for the first couple of days after teeth removal in Brantford.
  • Bleeding – in the first few hours after the extraction, before a blood clot forms on the wound. Your dentist will use gauze pads to gently pressure the extraction site to control the bleeding.
  • Limited jaw opening or stiffness of the jaw muscles due to the procedure – should resolve on its own within a few days.
  • Difficulty eating and speaking normally immediately after the extraction due to pain, swelling, or limited jaw movement.
  • Temporary bad breath and an unpleasant taste in the mouth – due to the healing process and blood and debris in the extraction site.

How To Handle The Common Side Effects After Tooth Extraction

When you are healing post-tooth extraction, consider the following tips for managing your symptoms and enjoying a smooth and seamless recovery period:

  • Consume soft foods and liquids.
  • Avoid hot or spicy foods.
  • Speak slowly and gently until you are more comfortable speaking normally.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene by gently brushing your teeth and tongue and rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater to alleviate pain, manage your breathing, and prevent infection.
  • Follow the aftercare stipulations provided by your oral surgeon at AVA Dentistry to promote proper healing and minimize discomfort.
  • Take prescribed medications for managing pain and swelling and also fighting infections.
  • Apply cold compresses to reduce swelling.
  • Contact your dentist for treatment if you experience concerning or worsening symptoms like excessive bleeding, prolonged swelling, or persistent fever.
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