No one wants to have a tooth pulled, but extractions can be necessary for a variety of reasons. Understanding why an extraction might be necessary and how the process works will help with dealing with the process should you need your own extraction.
A dental extraction is the process of removing a tooth from your mouth. There are two types of extractions that are performed: simple extraction and surgical extraction. There are many reasons why one might need an extraction, such as if:
-The tooth has broken off at the root and needs to be removed before it grows back in (a chronic problem) or becomes infected.
-An abscessed tooth needs to be removed to drain pus.
-A tooth has been knocked out and needs to be replaced before it is lost for good.
The type of extraction and how difficult it is will depend on the individual circumstances of the patient.
There are two types of extractions that can be done – a simple extraction, which is the most common procedure, or a surgical extraction, which is more involved and difficult.
When a tooth is removed, the dentist will have to decide which extraction method to use depending on several factors, including how close the nerve of that tooth is located in relation to the root surface.
If there are no complications, then it may be possible for an oral surgeon or periodontist to do a surgical extraction. If there is an infection, the tooth may not be salvageable for extraction.
When a King George dentist does a simple extraction, they need to make sure that it is performed in such a way as to avoid any complications from occurring during or after the procedure. Clear instructions are given before and throughout the process on how to numb the area so that the patient is kept comfortable.
Most of the time, extractions are done to save a tooth or to prevent further damage to other teeth, the mouth, and gums. Even though they aren’t wanted, an extraction is a part of dental hygiene and can be beneficial in protecting your oral health.
Now that you understand how extractions work, we hope you’ll feel much more comfortable if you wind up needing an extraction yourself.